Monday, December 21, 2015

Week #56 "it's going to be the highlight of my year."

I'm wearing my new Christmas sweater you sent. And I love it!!

Hey Mom!

Well I have to be honest that really surprised me about Grandpa Stockman. I wasn't expecting to hear anything like that. I hoe that everyone is ok and you will all be in my prayers. 

I am super excited to hear from all of you guys on Christmas. That is going to be the highlight of the year for me. I cant wait!!!! im super excited

This week we have been working really hard to find investigators. It was really good at the first of the week but during the weekend it got really hard and we had very few lessons. Everyone is rejecting us because it is almost christmas. Its kind of wierd, but we will see what happens. 
I can't wait to talk to you guys on Friday!!!!

I hope that Everyone is happy and that Everyone can be there on Friday. 

love you!
-Elder Stockman


I really don't know what to say or to think. But that honestly surprised me a lot. I was not expecting this e-mail. 
I guess we can talk a lot more about this on friday. But I hope that everyone is ok. I hope that everything goes well for the funeral. everyone will be in my prayers. I'm glad that you got to be there with him in that moment. I love you and Super excited to talk to you guys on Friday the 25th. I love you so much. 
-Elder Stockman

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Week #55 Our new album cover "I'll go were you want me to go dear Lord"

Me with Elder Flores. My companion for the last week.

Me on public transportation. 

​Me with Elder Morales. A super good person.

¡11 Días! 
Mom there are only 11 days until I get to talk to you. I want Da and Grandma there. I miss Everyone. That's crazy that there is so much snow. I didn't remember that you guys have a Pilot that was wierd to hear. Especially because I am still thinking in my mind that the mazda is still there but you guys sold it. 

That looks like quite the family home evening night, glad that you got to go and see the temple lights that looks really cool- 

Well to answer your question I did get the thanksgiving stuff. Thanks a lot!
Also a couple of days ago I got a call from Hna Lugo who works in the mission offices and she told me that my package from you guys just got there aswell. But the shipping company told them that there were chocolates so the people had to take them out and throw them away, but thats ok im over it. I realized that I will be home in 11 months so thats totaly ok! hahaha

Also this week I was in a trio with Elder Flores. His Companion Elder Vielma went to Saltillo for the whole week because he was a secretary before and President asked him to come and help with the end of the year finance stuff. He called and told me that my package was there so it got here and he actually comes back today so I will have it in my hands today. I feel like that was an answer to prayers for you guys.

Tell Justice that I didn't recognize him in the picture he has grown so much!
By the way how is Quinn doing? sometimes I write him I will shoot him a message today. 

But i'm doing great and feeling happy. The mission in going by so fast I can't even keep up haha. anyways love you and have a great week. Until next Monday

-Élder (e)Stockman

Hey! long time no see!
How is it going Dad?
That story of the Dr pepper makes me laugh. That kid is one of a kind. I hope that he never changes. 
Monclova is going good, I realized that I have been here a ton of time. I went to President Velez´s office today. He works in the institute building and so We go there to play basketball, pool, ping pong and so on. Actually the assistants gave us permission to watch the singles ward today that was pretty awesome. 

I realized that I have never even been to Pats BBQ thats kind of depressing. I was thinking the other day about my favorite tv show because somebody asked me what it was and I have to say that it is "Diners Drive-ins and Dives". But I realized that it probably wasn't so good that I watched it on Sundays. If you notice that almost all of the General Authorities in their talks mentioned something about the sabbath day. That probably means it is something important. I remeber how I thought it was just a dumb rule that you and mom put but now I feel like I actually understand why it is important. 

Actually Dad I forgot to mention this like 7 months ago that President canceled that pin program. Its because it was causing problems among the Elders and they werent focusing. But President is still giving out some pins in some interviews which makes me a little bit hopeful. The thing is that one of the requirements was that you had to have more that a year to get it, but now that I have all of the sudden completed the year well see what happens. I actually forget about it its not something that bothers me anymore. Maybe it was a good thing to get rid of it. But once again sorry to ruin that for you. President said it was becuase it was useful in its time but now its not important. There was a lot of wickedness in the mission before, a lot... so he used it as a way to motivate the Wicked ones.

Anyways I will probably need the skype information again. Please tell me that information. Also what day and what time do you want me to call. It is next week and that has come up really fast. 
love you and have a great week!
-Elder Stockman

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week #54 A pack of chihuahuas getting the best of me.

One of the sisters in our Ward has 14 Chihuahuas. 
My companion went to the hospital because he has bad knees. Don't worry he is ok. 

Elder Miner he is in my district. (MTC companion)

Best District ever!

Elder Flores, Elder Bauzan, and Elder Morales the guapisimo.

Hey Mom!
Well reading this leter made me happy! It's pretty cool to see what is happening back at home. I love seeing your pictures of everyone and that looked like a pretty gun event with the Martineau family. 
what is that place a german christmas celeration or what?
Yeah I see people with like tablet sized phones now and then I realize that i'ts an iphone and it makes me feel like im stupid. President has a 6 plus it's pretty cool. 

So we had changes today but I am staying here with Elder Hernandez and that makes me super happy. I'm happy that we can spend Christmas together. I did get to go to the Christmas devotional they put it on in the stake center but in spanish of corse. I think that is funny but It's the same for me now its almost to the point where I don't notice the difference between English and Spanish. 

We can talk to you on the 24th or the 25th for an hour and a half. you choose when and That will be ok with me. 

I'm super excited to talk to you. And I totally got the package of the letters I loved them all!
especially the one that played music. 
Have an excellent week!
-Elder Stockman
Hey Dad!
Yep I got a haircut last week dont worry. I feel like I lost like 20 pounds. 
The assistants told us that we will be able to do another skype call on the 24th or the 25th for an hour and a half. I am super excited for that day it is going to be awesome. you guys decide what day and what time works best for you and we will do it. Whatever time is good so just let me know. 

Also today we had changes and I am going to be staying here with Elder Hernandez! That makes me super happy he is one of the best compañon I have had in my whole mission. We will also be together for Christmas so that is going to be awesome. You guys will let to meet him. 

I feel really good here in Guadalupe it is a pretty great area. We actually don't have that many members that are willing to acompany us but that's their problem. but It's a pretty good area. It's actually one of the biggest areas in the mission kinda of interesting. If you look on a map of Monclova it is from Plaza Juarez to villas de santa ana. It's so big we take a bus to get across our area. Haha!

anyways good to talk to you this week and I hope that everything is good with you guys! have a great day!
-Elder Stockman

Friday, December 4, 2015

Week #53 no pictures ;(

Hey mom!
Good to hear from you this week! 
I can't believe that November has gone either! that was super fast!
and before you know it I will be able to talk to you guys on skype!
I was talking to Elder Miner and he told me that Christmas in in 3 weeks! that blows my mind!
I can't believe that Thanksgiving has come and that Christmas will be here before we know it. 
This week we went to the plaza here in Monclova and sang Christmas hymns. We also had our interview with president this week. I will send you more Pictures next week! have a great week momma! love you!
-Elder Stockman

Hey Dad!
Well I feel like I'm getting to the point in my mission where I really have no idea what to write anymore. But I am super happy and having a really great time. 
I was talking to Elder Miner and he told me that a lot of people that he knows are taking their membership out of the church because of the times. It kind of makes me scared to see who I know that will change their mind. 
This week I had my interviews with president. We also had a prosylytimg activity in the center of Monclova where the 2 zones here in monclova went and we sang Christmas hymns. Also we had a christmas party and played White elephant. An Elder from the other zone gave me a lego dragon.

I hope you have a great week! Love you!
-Elder Stockman

Monday, November 30, 2015

Week #52- So glad to hear your cyber voice.

​Eating an elote.

 La familia Murillo.

Oh momma! I'm so glad to hear your cyber voice haha!
It seems like it has been a really long time! I don't know why but this last week went pretty slow. It was a really good week we actually had the baptism of the familia Murillo. They are the most chosen people that I have ever seen in my life. from the first visit the sister was asking how she could get baptised. The Brother actually didn't want anything at first but now he is a member haha! he had to suffer a lot and quit a lot of strong addictions to be able to be baptized but that is the power of his testimony. He is a really cool dude. Also their son Diego is the best he has always wanted to be baptized since the first visit aswell.
It was crazy because in their baptism there wasnt any hot water because the water heater wasnt functioning, And for some reason Diego kept kicking his feet up so he had to be dunked 4 times in ice water. My companion was chosen to baptise them because he had 1 week longer in the teaching with them. What ever all I care about is that thay actually get baptized. haha
My companion is actually a little sick aswell haha because he took an ice bath. 

That's really good to see that you are magnifying your calling, I just with the people here would do that haha!
Thats crazy that they are his new councelors! I actually feel like that was pretty inspired. To call Brother Nielson and Goslin. 

Those cookies look delicious! I love you mom and I hope that you have a great week!
-Elder Stockman 

Hey dad!
What's going on!
Well I feel pretty good this week! We were blessed with a couple of baptisms this last weekend. 
Don't remind me that I have lest then a year now that makes me sad! it crazy! I still feel like I'm never going to be leaving Mexico hahaha
I love it here in Monclova it has been another great experience. Today I ran into a really cool family from Technologico again. They said that they would bring me Mtn Dew so that pretty much made my day!
I love the Lords work it is the best! Counting down the days until we can talk in skype! love you dad
-Elder Stockman

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week #51- I have a new do.

Elder Hernandez and Elder Stockman. Lol

No explanation.. 

Bowling last week with my District. 

New hairdo. Whistle, whistle.. 

Birthday cupcake.. 

Came home tired, I think I fell asleep praying that night.

Only in Mexico would there be a tree in the middle of the street. Lol

Hey Momma!
 I'm doing super good here too!
The weather outside is freightful here in Monclova, it's randomly super cold and super hot, hopefully I don't end up getting sick. 
Yeah I can't believe that it is the middle of November either, It's super crazy that soon I will get to hear your voices on the Christmas call. I'm counting down the days until that can happen. That is going to be super cool!
I got a birthday card from Grandma, and Josh sent me something from the CCM like a month ago. It was pretty cool to get those letters. 

ahahaha gun safety and MAN FOOD NIGHT! oh how I miss that! that was always the best.(Zach first Young men's activities)

That's really good to hear that Grandma is doing a lot better! that makes me happy!

That was really generous of Andrew that he would do that for me It actually means a lot. I'm going to keep working hard! tell him that I appreciate it a lot!

So on Sunday we were in the house getting ready to go to church and he heard someone knocking on the gate outside. So I shot up and ran outside and it was the Jehovas Whitnesses hahahaha! they were super scared when the saw a 6 foot 4 white mormon they pooped their pants a little. They were trying to tell me that God doesn't like Wars and rumors of wars and a bunch of stuff. They gave me a pamphlet about war hahah super funny experience. 

Also we are having a really great time together Elder Hernandez and I. He is the best and he is super willing to learn. We get along super well and he speaks super great English. We are already making plans to hang out after the mission. 
I'm happy and Healthy!
have a great week Mom!
-Elder Stockman

Hey Dad! I get along with my companion super well! He is super willing to learn and we are doing super great together. He always takes funny pictures of me like when I'm not paying attention. He also always pulls crazy pranks on me and I love it haha. He also knows a lot of jokes haha! And actually we are already making plans for how we will meet up after the mission and do some crazy things together, like go to the movies, listen to wordly music, and stay up past 10:30. haha

That's always a great experience to give a talk. When I was in Lomas de Lourdes, they didn't give me any time to prepare I had like 2 minutes and so I just had time to pray, but it was actually like one of the best talks that I have ever given. I felt really fgood about it! I couldn't believe that I did it but I remember that it was a really spiritual experience. TO see that the Lord provided for me in that moment. Zach is a character tell Him I love him!

I can't believe that Andrew did that for me! tell him thanks you so much and that it really does mean a lot to me! I am going to work super hard. 

I am doing really well this week I have learned a lot from my companion he is the best! this experience has been a really good one. We already have 3 weeks together can you believe that!
The other day I saw Presidente Velez again. He is such a good man! I gave him a hug and he told me that he missed me. He gave me buenas noticias about my converts from that ward so that really lifted up my spirits. 

Hey guess what? I remembered the other day that I will see you on Christmas, That is going to be a really cool day. I am really looking foward to that day when I can hear your voices again. 

Oh and I still havn't had time to get a haircut gosh dangit, so I had to change the hairstyle a little bit haha!
anyways have a great week!

-Elder Stockman

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week-#50 See Ya in 365.

​Pics for the week! We have been having fun.
This was when I was stretching after a power nap.

My Companion Elder Hernandez.

Hey Momma!Ssee you in a year! haha
Well this week I feel really weird because I'm 20 years old and I have a year left of my mission. I really hope that I will be able to focus and finish strong. It's gone by so fast and everyone tells me that the Down hill is always faster. Which makes me nervous but I know that I shouldn't think about it too much. 

That's super crazy that Zach passed the sacrament this week! That make me sad that I couldn't be there, But I know he will be an expert at passing the sacrament when I get home. Tell him I'm proud of him.

The mole wasn't too bad, I wasn't really affected at all. I still feel good. 
Of corse I still have my christmas stocking haha. I love that thing. I actually just put it above my bed and my companion looked at me like,,, really. hahah

I'm glad to hear that Grandma is recovering well from her surgery. I hope that the Process is quick and painless. 

Can't believe that Abbie is looking at going to college. That makes me freak out. hahaha they are'nt allowed to grow up!

Anyways this week I have felt really good, kinda wierd to be back in Monclova again but I feel good. its been an adjustment precess again but I will shortly get used to it. 
I have been studying the book of mormon a lot. I realized that I had never read it from start to finish in Spanish so now I am in alma 17. Im making pretty good progress! I plan to finish it and then read it at least another time through in my year that I have left. Its going to be a lot faster because I understand spanish a lot more and I dont have to look for so many words in the dictionary. 

I love My companion he is the best! haha we get along super well and we are always playing pranks on each other, he is one of the smartest dudes I have ever met. Today in the morning I went into the study room and He had somehow placed a trip wire that when I walked into it it popped a balloon. Scared me a lot haha. I will get him back. 

Anyways I love you so much and I hope that you have a good week! Love 
-Elder Stockman
Ps. your my favorite momma!

Hey Dad! 
Well this week I have been doing pretty good!
I realized that I come home in 365 days from today. See you in a year! haha
How have you been? how is work doing? 
I was thinking the other day that I really miss American food. Iv'e decided that I want IN-N-Out and then maybe we could go to that philly cheese stake place in Salt Lake where we went with Bennett that one time. I was a fan. 

I am really getting along with my new companion he is the best. We are always joking around and having a blast. He is super new so I have a lot to do to help him but he is willing to learn so it makes it a lot easier. 

Anyways I just wanted to send a quick message to you to tell you that I am happy and that I love you!
have a great week!

-Elder Stockman
sorry I got this message after I had already sent one to you. Elder miner is in the Zone. ELder Weidmeyer went to Saltillo. It's cool to see Elder Miner after a whole year. 
Anyways have a good weeklove  you!
-Elder Stockman

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week#49- Mole and Spencer = No bueno.

Pictures of me and Elder Hernandez. 
Mi Hijastro.


My converts from Saltillo. 
Me with a swim cap. 

A church in Monclova.

Hey Momma!
Well we had a really good week. My companion is the best! He is Mexican but he speaks perfect English. He came to Utah and lived there for like 9 months. We are already making plans to help him cross the border again so that we can hand out together after the mission. 
So I was told that I would be a training District leader and that scared me because that is a lot of responsability, But it's not that bad with him, he is really mature and has a lot of life experience. 

I had a pretty interesting birthday. The hermana that gave us the food brought it in a bag to church and then we had to go home and heat it up, I was eating it and realized that it was Mole. The peanut stuff. So I had a small allergic reaction. haha happy birthday. But I also saw President Velez. My church building in Guadalupe here is a stake center and he was at a stake meeting. I also saw the Bishop from Tecnologico. It was a pretty good day, I was talking to them about my converts and they said that they are doing really good. I think that was the best birthday gift I could have asked for. 

We just had to change houses here and it was a really rushed thing because there were like 4 college girls that moved in under us. So we moved because it could have been a problem. Not for us but there are a lot of missionaries with girl problems. And we had to move into a house with like 100 cockroaches. I have become an expert cockroach killer. We super deep cleaned today and now we feel better, I dont know how people can live in such flith. 

Anyways that's pretty much what happened this week. There is also a part of my area that is so far away that you have to ride the bus for like 20 minutes to get there. We are going to focus on that part of the area because the rest of it is super rich and stingy haha. It's one of the richest colines in the mission. Colonia Guadalupe. I actually had a part of it in my last area. Anyways I hope that you have a good week! love you so much!

-Elder Stockman

Ahhh that's really wierd to see pictures from your Ordination day Zach! I love you Zach! I was there in spirit.

Hey Dad!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes. 
I got to Monclova safe and sound. I feel good to be able to come back. My church building is a stake center, and there was a double stake leaders metting with Elder Treviño. I saw Presidente Velez and the Bishop from Tecnologico. I gave them a hug and he told me that my converts are doing really good. I feel like that was the best birthday present that I could have gotten, just to know that they are doing good. 

Thanks for all that you do and for being the best dad in the World!
love you!
-Elder Stockman

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Week #48 I got wet.

Happy Birthday Zach,
 It's a good day to turn 12. As you are going to recieve the priesthood it is a great responsability. The Lord trusts you with the same powers that he used to create the entire universe, to create our spirits, and the power he used in his earthly ministry. Healing the sick, raising the dead, and he could even WALK ON WATER...
Anyways I invite you to start preparing NOW to be a missionary. start saving your pennies. I will see you in a year buddy!
love Spencer

I baptized both Women from left to right. me, Rosy, Elder Vasquez, Ramiro, Isabel.
Brother Ramiro and me. 

Hey momma!
Thanks so much for my birthday wishes!
Well they are shipping me back to Monclova! woooo!!!
I'm super pumped I loved Monclova the last time that I was there! The music, the chorizo,the tortillas, the drunk people, the dogs, the garbage, the factory AHMSA, the converts that I can probably visit, the people! ahhh it's like going home! hahaha to my birth place.
My area is called Guadalupe 2, I will be going still as district leader, and I will be finishing the training of Elder Hernandez. I am super excited. My bus leaves at 8:00 am tomorrow. Keep me in your prayers. Its like a 4 hour bus ride. 

Elder Miner my companion from the MTC will be in my district too that's crazy! There are like 6 elders from my generation in the zone. And this time HEB will be in my zone so I can go american grocery shopping, Walmart aswell. (HEB is an American grocery store)

I'm super happy with this last change that I have had. We were able to baptize 3 people this weekend. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I got the pleasure to baptize both of the women. Rosy, and Isabel. Elder Vasquez baptized Hermano Ramiro. 

I feel good about the work that I have done here in Lomas and I am sad to be leaving, but I know that the Lord needs me in Monclovita la bella again. I will go where the Lord calls me!

love you!
-Elder Stockman

Hey Dad!
First of all I actually started cracking up as I read that little story. I'm sorry for laughing "with" you. 

Well they are shipping me off to Monclova again! I'm super excited to be able to return to my birthplace! The food and the people are better there!

I will still be going as district leader but I will also be finishing the training of Elder Hernandez. I'm super excited. 
I will be going to an area that is touching my old area, but it's the other zone in Monclova, my area is called Guadalupe 2.
If im not mistaken Elder Townsend was there. But I'm super excited because I'm probably going to be able to visit my converts that will be going to the temple in like 10 months.

We were also able to have 3 baptisms here in Lomas my last weekend. It was a good reward for working hard and I'm super animated. I hope that I can Help my new companion learn a lot and also that I can learn a lot. 

love you dad!

La Zone Miravalle.
Sister Murset, Sister Roberts and Elder Stockman. 
(I like the Book of Mormon distance between Elder Stockman and the Sisters he,he)
Elder Lopez and me.
Me and Elder Monroy. 
Me and elder Archuletta. 
Elder Stockman and ?
Elder Gallegos

Me and Elder Hernandez. 
Me and Elder Torres.
Elder Salinas and me. 
Elder Sabastion and me.
Elder Stockman and ?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week- #47 "I'm starting to grow more facial hair now, and it's annoying!"

Hey Momma! 
Sorry mom a thousand times. I forgot to bring my cable to send pictures. Love you next time I will have a ton.

In one week I will know if I stay or If I go. I really do feel like I am going. Which is kind of sad, but I have really grown to love the people here in this area. I will go where the Lord wants me to go, I will do what he wants me to do, I will be who he wants me to be. 
That last one is the hardest because it is something that we are all still working on. I feel like I'm nothing when I study the scriptures because I see the perfect example of the Savior Jesus Christ. I have been studying his attributes and trying to become more like him but it is hard. 

Can you believe that I'm almost 20! WOW! where did the time go?

I also heard the Zach passed his interview congradulations! tell him that I'm super proud of him.

Don't worry about the package mom, Oh and by the way I changed my mind about the hairgel, I found a brand that I like here in Mexico so you ca have more room for something else. haha

I'm glad that you could listen to Elder Bednar he is a really good speaker. I always like to listen to what he has to say.

This week we have been working with the people that are going to get baptized this weekend, it has been super hard because there is always opposition and Satan doesnt want these people to get baptized, there is so much stress right now but it is a good stress that is motivating me to work harder. 
Not much new happened haha but I love you and hope that you have a good week!
-Elder Stockman

Hey Dad!
Great to hear from you this week!
I can't believe that all of these people are going on the mission. Which means that I have been here for a while now.... hahaha
Thats cool that Nick is going to Georga. Tell I send him the best of wishes.
That's cool that Zach will be going to recieve the Aaronic Priesthood. I'm proud of him and I know he is a worthy young man. I'm super happy here in Lomas still. We will have transfers in 1 week. To be honest I kind of hope that I get transfersed but I have come to love this area and the members and all of the people here. I can't believe that I have been here for 1/5 of my mission. Can you believe that Josh will be leaving the MTC this week. I remember that day haha. When we went to the Airport in Mexico City I totally threw up in the parking lot when we got out of the van. I will probably do the same in a year from now. 

I was thinking the other day that I will soon be 20 years old. I dont think that It has phased me yet but Its kind of wierd that I'm Old now. 
I'm starting to grow more facial hair now too. It's annoying to have to shave every day. Haha

Anyways I hope that you have a wonderful week! and that you can always be happy. Good luck with your work too! you are always in my prayers.
-Elder Stockman

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 46- My new watch. It was only 180 pesos.

My new watch. 

The Cathedral of Saltillo. 

I'ts super big and old. and the bells were ringing when we went.
​Me with a random horse that was eating garbage...

All your de-junking reminds me of when I cleaned out my room before I left. There was a ton of stuff in there. What ever happened with the guest room I remember there being a ton of books or papers and stuff like that. I actually ended up buying a new watch that I like a lot. It's a touch screen and it was only 180 pesos in Centro de Saltillo. 
This week we have been working with 4 investigators en especial. They are all going to get baptized the same day on the 23rd of october this month. that would be an absolute miracle. 
I hope that this will really happen because I have a lot of time here and I think that I might be leaving but who knows!

This week I went to the ¨Pulga¨ which is a flea market. They set it up on Saturdays here in my area. I bought 3 really cool ties for the equilivent of 2 dollars. I love Mexico hahaha I have been making a lot of pancakes lately because it seems like there is really nothing else for me to eat haha.I know that I can be more creative but its just that we have no time so I just make quick stuff. But its just a powder mix and I was thinking I cant wait to eat dads pancakes again. Those suckers are so dang good. 

We had a change in my district. Elder Gomez was shipped out and sent with my old companion Elder Johnson in Frontera Coahuila and someone who was sent home got sent back to the mission. I talked to him today on the phone and he seems like he has really changed and he really wants to change, and finish his remaining 9 months well. This experience actually helped to strengthen my testimony of the atonement and that we can all change! they will actually be baptizing this week aswell-

I hope that You guys have a really great week and that you can be happy!
-Elder Stockman

Hey Dad thanks for writing me!
I decided that I will start a Jehovas Whitness tie collection. I have collected some pretty sweet ties in this last year I think you would be impressed. I can't believe that last week I completed 11 months!
Hey if you save money like that and you arent driving a prius, I think that I accept. haha
MyCompanionship is going really well! we are getting along really well andworking super hard, It has been a really quick transfer we are in the 5th week that means will have transfers again in 2 weeks.  We recently got a really good ward mission leader who is a returned missionary of 3 years. He like to work and he accompanies us to the lessons. He is really worried about the people and he knows the importance of the members in the work. 

We were recently informed that we will get to witness the dedication of the Tijuana temple in a couple of weeks that will be super cool to be a part of that aswell, even though I cant go to Tijuana, I'm impressed with the technology that there is right now that makes the work of the Lord so much easier. 

I can't believe that Zach will be 12 and that he will be a deacon, and also that I will be 20. Remember that the last time that you saw me i was 19, and when I get home I will be 21. Thats wierd-

Anyways thanks for the love and the support. I know that you guys are prayingfor me because I have seen so many miracles that I can't explain. I know that the power of prayer is real. Have a great week!
-Elder Stockman