Hey mom! things are going great!
love you happy dia de amor

I'm going to be staying here in my area with Elder Garcia, It's his last change so I'm his last comp.
This week was super hard but super cool too.
SO remember how the Bishops family and parents were there to support him, well we got their address and visited them on Tuesday. We talked for a little bit and then the Bishop showed up. Oh man, this is a lesson with his parents!
Yeah so we were teaching them and then it got to my part of the lesson. Which is the invitation to be baptized. Mom it is the scariest thing that I have ever done. Especially in these circumsrances. But the spirit was telling me so strong that I needed to invite them to be baptized. They said yes! What the heck? It was sooooo cool and so rewarding mom!
Also I saw that Elder Weidemeier is coming to my zone how cool is that! well I havn't been sun burned yet but it's starting to get hot up in here. I can't imaging 130 mom hahahaha im going to die.
I love you soooooo much!
-Elder Stockman
Elder Stockman and Elder Garcia.Dad you need to make Abbie learn to drive the Mazda it's a requiered life skill. Speaking of traffic I sure miss America when it comes to crossing the street. jajaja I dont know how it was in bolivia but there arent any crosswalks here. You just go for it! jaja and its totally legal.... I thinkThanks for cleaning out part of the mazda and yeah your welcome for the donutsand the trunk scares me too but I think I left my air horn in there you can have it to scare off perros si tu quieres. como Milo jajaj.
Estoy muy bien. It is killer hard to learn a new language. It's wierd though I swear that I stoppedhaving dreams when I came to the mission. I think most of that reason is because my body is still adjusting to a reasonable amount of sleep. but now that I think about it I should invest in an airhorn. Im going to be staying in Tecnologico con Elder Garcia! wooo more spanish. I don't want an American comp until Im comfortable with the language. but I do want an american come eventually. Things here are getting back on track. It's a dead area lets face it. We're both surprised that were both not leaving. but we have got a baptism lined up for the beginning of Marzo we are going to be legendary. other elders have baptisms every week but were going to be the Elders who did baptisms for the dead! ( thats actually pretty cool I just made that up)Thanks for the laughs and tears dad! (tears because you used my money to buy donuts and ate them without me) jajajaCon mucho amor-Elder Stockman