Elder Stockman(nice tight floods. These surly can't be the pants we sent with him??), Sister Gloria, and Elder Ninatype.

Elder Stockman and Tacos. (Picture taken from Elder Hoppers blog.)
Hey momma!
Dont worry about it haha! I heard that you and Abbie went to New York this week. Thats super cool. I have always wanted to go there and eat a new york style hot dog, also get some new york pizza, Im over the whole taxi fantasy the mission ruined that for me haha. Just kidding around.
So this week We had a pretty cool experience with Sister Gloria.
We had originally with her a baptisimal goal date for the 26th of march. She has been keeping all of her committments and reading the book of mormon a lot, going to church and praying. This week when we brought up her goal date again she said that she wasnt going to be able to do it. We had a little heart attack inside, She said that she would be leaving on spring break vaations for the semana santa. So we talked to her a little bit and helped her to realize that she was ready whenever she wanted to do it. We told her that if she wanted to she could even do it this weekend. She kind of lit up when we told her that, Then she said that she would let us know that next day. When we went she said that she would do it. I had the opporotunity to baptize her and my companion confirmed her. It was a cool weekend.
This next week should be a little bit more relax and we can work harder in our area, because we wont need to go anywhere and do interviews, divisions or anything. We have a lot of really good people that are progressing really well here in Our area,
So how was your trip to New York tell me all about it, you better send some pictures too.
love you momma! have a good week!
-Elder Stockman
Hey Dad!Thats really cool to see that you and Zach helped finish up the remodeling. I see the picture of the house that you sent and It honestly doesnt seem to me that that is really the house. It looks a lot different. I remember how we put in hard wood flooring but It just seems different. Maybe you painted or something.So this week we had a pretty great surprise. One of our investigators had been to church like 4 times and she had a baptismal goal date to be baptized on the 26th of march. The other day we were in a lesson with her and we reminded her about the goal and she was saying that she wasnt going to be able to do it. When we asked her why she said that it was because she was going to be going on spring break vacation for the semana santa. Then we talked to her and said, look you meet all the Lords requirements to be baptised and she said that she had the desire. Then we said that she really could be baptised whichever day that she wanted, even this weekend. Then her face kind of lit up a little, she told us that she would let us know the next day, Then when we visited her the next day she told us that she would do it. Long story short, Sister Gloria was baptized this weekend and it was really cool to see that she made the decision to be baptized and follow the example of Jesus Christ.This week we did divisions with the district leaders. My companion went to Allende and I stayed here and went with Elder Vasquez and Elder Jones. Really cool dudes. I already knew Elder Vasquez pretty well haha.I think that its crazy that we are already halfway through the transfer with Elder Ninataype. It is going pretty good for us up here in Acuña. Its a really cool place with a lot of potencial.My companion says that the missionaries here always leave one day after the day of transfer. The transfer date is November the 8th so he says that I will be home on the 9th.Talk to you next week!-Elder Stockman
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