Hey mom!
So I really love my new companion! He is hilariuos, we get along super well. Haha
I feel like I have already been able to learn a lot from him in our little time together, Its really cool to still be able to be here in Acuña. I feel like its the Chosen Land here.
So Im super jealuos that I couldnt go shooting with you guys, I will have to do that when I get home.
We have recently been having a lot of success here in the area and in the zone, actually this week I get to go to Saltillo again, thats an 18 hour bus ride. haha
So why was it that you guys got to go up there to the potium, thats super cool by the way, I didnt really undersrtand what you told me about the whole young womens thing. Also I hate to be rude but i dont know who Abbies friend is in that picture haha. I feel like I have been here forever. Today a member told me to take a picture with their smart phone for them and I felt like I was holding a futuristic weapon or something, and evedently you can share videos through the facebook chat haha that crazy, Dang future has arrived.
We are actually leaving at 9:30 on Wednesday morning to be there for the meeting on Thursday. We will get back Friday early in the morning, Yeah Im not prepared to come back to the real world.
I remember when Abbie sent me a picture of her on like a futuristic segway thing, yeah that blew my mind, I hate real life haha.
The climate is super wierd here in Acuña,its super foggy and cloudy and sometimes cold in the morning, but then it is hot during the day without a single cloud.
Anyways I hope that you have a great week!
-Elder Stockman
Hey Dad,So this week we have been working pretty hard. We were able to see the results of our work because we took a couple of investigators to church. I really like being here with Elder Ninataype, he is a super cool guy and we get along super well. Haha it helps that we have already been friends for a while now! hahaSo this week I will be going to Saltillo. Yay 18 hours of bus travel. My companion gave me a good idea, that When I get to Saltillo to start to complain about the leg room and that my knees hurt and that maybe they will buy us a first class bus! haha. But really that leg room is what you would call ''chafa'' hahathats super cool that you guys went shooting for FHE, I hope that we could do something like that when I get home. Maybe I will have to buy a gun or more.Anyways right now I have decided that I am sick of the free gringas, I have eaten them so much that I have become tired of eating them.So I also realized that this transfer I will get to watch general conference. That should be reallly cool to be able to listen to the living profets and apostles again.And dont speed dad, I have also learned my lesson the hard way, the rules are there to protect us.no speeding click the linklove you-Elder Stockman
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