Last photo with President Rodriguez and his wife. After 3 years of serving as the Saltillo Mission President they is being released and moving on to a new chapter of their life. Elder Stockman gets very emotional when he talks about his mission president. He has so much love and respect and admiration for him he will always be in his heart. He has been a huge blessing in Spencer' life.
Last Leadership Conference with President, he invited all of his ex assistants that were still in the mission to be there.
Sounds like you guys are having a great time there on your summer vacations!
I cant believe that you guys ran into good old Zach! haha tell him that he should get a job at Kneaders hahah!
those donuts look rediculiously good, where are they from,?
Hey you went shooting that looks super fun! I didnt think that you liked guns!
So this week I am here Preparing our Zone Conference. it will be that last Zone Conference with President Rodriguez and we will actually be combining the 3 zones here in Saltillo to do it. We have to give a 1 and a half hour training to our zone and then the President will talk with all of us together. I am really excited because they gave us the theme of Chapter 2 from Preach my gospel and so we are going to be speaking about how Our daily study affects our misionary work and also help them to have more effective studies.
We were going to have 2 baptisms this weekend of Yuliana and of Wendy! we are super excited for them and that they will be making this first covenant with our Heavenly Father. Keep them in your prayers so that they can be happy and that they can get Baptized.
Im doing super great here in the area with Elder Hernandez. He is a great guy and a goof. We get along great and he is a super hard working missionary.
I love you and hope that you have a great week!
-Elder Stockman
Hey Dad! That weekly update always make me laugh.Haha that you are being tight fisted with the air conditioning, where im at that doesnt even exist haha!I think that I might enjoy that whole indoor climate a lot when I get home haha!Its interesting to think that if Andrew isnt having as much success where he is then he can get up and move where he is working, but I dont really have that advantage. But I think that it is better the way that I have it because Im learning a lot more. Actually im pretty excited because we are going to be having 2 baptisms this week of Yuliana and of Wendy. We are super excited to help them get baptized and to help them make this first covenant with our Heavenly Father. Im super excited to see when the go down into the water. We are actually expecting to have 2 more baptisms in 2 or 3 weeks. Super Excited!!!Abbie sent me a picture of her with some dude, I still don´t aprove....Yeah I was actually thinking the same thing that I really do have to keep swimming when I get home to be able to get married or whatever. hahaI do miss the Myth Busters Marathons haha that is an interesting show, but Im ecxited to be here in the mission, I really cant say that I super miss anything from the world, I should say that I dont miss being part of the world.So this week we have been preparing our zone conference with the President and it will be his last one. We will actually be combining the 3 zoes of Saltillo and it will be like 60 missionaries. I have come to really Love President and it wont be easy to see him go. But he deserves a nap or 2 hahaanyways I hope that you have a great week!love-Elder Stockman
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