Divisiones With Elder Torres...

I climbed the stairs!!!

Saltillo from the south side.

Looking good the family! haha
tell Dad I'm jealous of his hawaiian shirt
you guys look the same still but
Zach is a monster, he has grown so much in a year!
My date of honorary relief will be the 9th of November in the following year. That means that in 4 days I will complete 11 months. Nuts! Then it's all down hill from there!
I honestly can't believe that....
SHOUTOUT TO MOM Elder Hollands talk brought tears to my eyes mom and I just wanted to let you know how much I really do love you. I miss you but I know that I will give you a Spencer hug in just a little bit more time. Then I will sit in that chair upstairs and we will talk for a really long time-
That ponderizing thing is a really good idea. I loves everyone of the talks. I got to watch it In English again. There were 7 of us in the zone from the US and we all watched it together, A sister in our ward let us use her mac air and that made me want to buy a mac computer haha!
We watched it in the comfy chairs of the high council room of the stake center. Man
you guys really like that restaurant don't you, I honestly wasn't impressed haha
tell Zach and Dom I approve of their costume choice haha they make me laugh.
This week was really cool, We were able to see the Lords hand in our live a ton of times. I have a really challenging Elder in my District and he gives me grief every day, but I am at peace that I have done my best to try and help him and if he doesn't want to change then that is not my fault it is his. The Zone leaders gave me a really great scripture to read that left me with peace.
it is Moroni 9:4 & 6
I really do love the work of the Lord and I have never been happier in my life. Love you guys forever!
-Elder Stockman
Haha, Zach cracks me up and so does Jimmy Fallon.
How are things going back at home? How is it being the high priest group leader for the ward. I hope that I can apply that council that you gave me to try something different.
That's pretty good that Zach wants to go running. Looking at the pictures he looks like he has grown a ton!
I miss you guys but I know that I am in the right place aswell!
I hope that I can write you more next week but I just want to let you know that I love you so much!
have a good week Dad!
-Elder Stockman
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