Hey momma!
I'm doing really well. I have been happy and working hard. I was thinking a lot about how before I left on my mission that we were talking about how Abbie would be graduating when I am here in the mission and I can't believe that it has started. When she graduates I will be home in no time at all. haha
I can't believe that Zach will be a Deacon and that he will have the Priesthood, That absolutely blows my mind.
We also had stake conference this week end and President Rodriguez spoke with his wife. They are the coolest people ever. I couldn't even imaging other mission presidents but that is an unfortunate reality that I will one day have to face. One of the ex-assistants to the president is in my district because he is finishing his mission soon. He is finishing training a new missionary and He has told me so many cool stories about how President truly recieves revelation. I know that He is a man of God and I sustain him.
Anyways I'm doing super good down here in Mexico and I feel great with my companion still. Keep us in your prayers that the investigadores will progress to the waters of baptism. We are almost there!
That's cool that the Neffs are having a baby again! How many kids do they have now? and tell Scott that I love getting his primary class packages. They are fun! How is Christian Lee doing? tell him that I say hi!
Love you and have a great week!
-Elder Stockman
Dad(Regan was telling our visiting authority at Stake Confrence President of BYU Elder Worthen that our son is serving in the same mission he served in and he said is it still the Detroit of Mexico and we said yes.) Just so you all know it's a steel town.
Well that's pretty much the way that I would describe Monclova aswell. It's funny because that dog whistle was a life or death situation up there in Monclova but down here in Saltillo there aren't nearly as many dogs or as much garbage. The investigator pool is filling slow and steady. Each area is different, but we have 5 baptismal goals right now. Let's hope that they all follow through with this decision. I can't believe that I have been is Saltillo like 4 months. I remember being in Monclova yesterday haha.
I had a very similar spiritual experience when Elder Pieper visited the mission. He is in the area presidency and he also started his mission in Monterrey but started here in Saltillo. He just knew the scriptures and knew how to use them. I feel similar about my mission president. We had an opporotunity to listen to him again this week because he spoke in a stake conference and just so knowledgeable.
Thanks for writing me this week and I hope that you guys have a great week!
Tell Andrew that I extrañar his ciber voice. haha
-Elder Stockman
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