Things are going pretty great! Luckily I have a pretty great companion. It's cool because this week I got to go on divisions with the Zone leaders because Elder Garcia is our District leader. I went with Elder Macias one of the zone leaders. I don't know.... it was so cool because I got to go to Frontera with him and see how other people teach. He also is american so I got to speak some English! There is a guy that drives around and sells water here in Tecnologico but he is from the Frontera Ward and it turns out that we had an appintment in his house and he was pretty surprised to see me haha.
Ok I thought that I ate some wierd stuff last week but man was I wrong. I ate octopus mom. Octopus.... I want to know where the heck they got it...
aside from it being wierd it was pretty good.
I'm happy and the language is at like 50 % comprension so I'm doing great! love you guys soooooo much! sorry Zach to hear that Yogurt Bliss is closed. I'm sure that was hard. Especially because right before I left I gave him my gift card. hehe
Love Elder Stockman
Dad, you cant share this with Zach because it's just too funny. When you told me that yogurt bliss is closed I literally chuckled. It's sad and I'm sure that its not cool that I find it so dand funny! I just imagine that scene in star wars when darth vader tells luke that he is his father. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! hahahahahaOh but really thats sad. tell him im sorry.Well it's definately not quiet here there is always something going on! haha dogs music fireworks or fights.Love you so much Dad.Elder Stockman
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